East Side Kansas City MO, MO Retail Space For Lease

  • Christine Wei
6200 Saint John Ave
Kansas City, MO 64123
$4.20 USD/SF/YR
100-400,000 SF
3 Spaces Available Built 1914
400,000 SF Contiguous
Built 1914
100-400,000 SF
$4.20 USD/SF/YR

Flexible industrial space with abundant parking and storage, convenience to major transportation routes, and the full suite of amenities Cubework has to offer.
Retail, Flex, Industrial
  • Dwight Medbery
1700 Village West Pky
Kansas City, KS 66111
$40.00 USD/SF/YR
5,852 SF
1 Space Available Built 2003
5,852 SF Contiguous
Built 2003
5,852 SF
$40.00 USD/SF/YR

Serve affluent communities with this second-generation restaurant that is part of Legend Outlets, located near some of the market’s most visited attractions.
  • Marshal Blount
525-529 Walnut St
Kansas City, MO 64106
$24.00 USD/SF/YR
3,240 SF
1 Space Available Built 1900
3,240 SF Contiguous
Built 1900
3,240 SF
$24.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Cary Taylor
1915 Main St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
6,000 SF
1 Space Available Built 2020
6,000 SF Contiguous
Built 2020
6,000 SF
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
3406-3408 Troost Ave
Kansas City, MO 64109
$10.00 USD/SF/YR
1,250 SF
2 Spaces Available Built 1950
1,250 SF Contiguous
Built 1950
1,250 SF
$10.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Thom Walker
1830 Locust St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$12.00 USD/SF/YR
2,084-5,000 SF
1 Space Available Built 1966
5,000 SF Contiguous
Built 1966
2,084-5,000 SF
$12.00 USD/SF/YR
322 Southwest Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64108
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
1,695 SF
1 Space Available Built 1921
1,695 SF Contiguous
Built 1921
1,695 SF
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Cary Taylor
1100 Main St
Kansas City, MO 64105
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
4,805 SF
1 Space Available Built 1977
55,362 SF Contiguous
Built 1977
4,805 SF
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Gordon Smith
3355-3375 Main St
Kansas City, MO 64111
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
4,226 SF
1 Space Available Built 2005
Built 2005
4,226 SF
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Jill Hays
1311 W 13th St
Kansas City, MO 64102
$18.00 USD/SF/YR
1,144-10,200 SF
9 Spaces Available Built 1890
9,700 SF Contiguous
Built 1890
1,144-10,200 SF
$18.00 USD/SF/YR
Office, Retail
4130 Pennsylvania Ave
Kansas City, MO 64111
$17.50 USD/SF/YR
7,000 SF
1 Space Available Built 1958
7,000 SF Contiguous
Built 1958
7,000 SF
$17.50 USD/SF/YR
  • Brendan Loellke
  • Brian Votava
1612 Grand Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64108
$6.95 - $16.95 USD/SF/YR
5,000-5,900 SF
2 Spaces Available Built 1900
5,900 SF Contiguous
Built 1900
5,000-5,900 SF
$6.95 - $16.95 USD/SF/YR
  • Jack McGuire
200 Wyandotte St
Kansas City, MO 64105
$7.00 USD/SF/YR
11,000 SF
1 Space Available Built 1910
11,000 SF Contiguous
Built 1910
11,000 SF
$7.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Brendan Loellke
  • Brian Votava
800 E 17th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$16.50 USD/SF/YR
2,500-12,770 SF
3 Spaces Available Built 1920
12,770 SF Contiguous
Built 1920
2,500-12,770 SF
$16.50 USD/SF/YR
Office/Retail, Flex
  • Sheryl Vickers
2-10 Westport Rd
Kansas City, MO 64111
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
800 SF
1 Space Available Built 1905
800 SF Contiguous
Built 1905
800 SF
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Lynette Russ
  • Brendan Loellke
1901 Main St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
1,987 SF
1 Space Available Built 1924
1,987 SF Contiguous
Built 1924
1,987 SF
$22.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Sam Hagan
  • Gordon Smith
102-106 W 9th St
Kansas City, MO 64105
$14.00 - $24.00 USD/SF/YR
1,394-6,902 SF
8 Spaces Available Built 1985
6,902 SF Contiguous
Built 1985
1,394-6,902 SF
$14.00 - $24.00 USD/SF/YR
Office, Office/Retail
  • Cherise Sedlock
3702 State ave
Kansas City, KS 66102
$10.00 - $18.00 USD/SF/YR
750-56,540 SF
5 Spaces Available Built 1950
56,540 SF Contiguous
Built 1950
750-56,540 SF
$10.00 - $18.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Brendan Loellke
  • Nevin Rosner
  • Brian Votava
1620 Locust St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$19.50 USD/SF/YR
327-962 SF
2 Spaces Available Built 1950
962 SF Contiguous
Built 1950
327-962 SF
$19.50 USD/SF/YR
  • Josh Haith
  • David Gunter
3745-3747 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111
$23.20 USD/SF/YR
1,500 SF
1 Space Available Built 1947
1,500 SF Contiguous
Built 1947
1,500 SF
$23.20 USD/SF/YR
  • Bryan Hunter
2414-2416 S 34th St
Kansas City, KS 66106
$11.00 USD/SF/YR
2,413 SF
1 Space Available Built 1952
2,413 SF Contiguous
Built 1952
2,413 SF
$11.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Charlie Lowe
  • Sam Hagan
423-427 Westport Rd
Kansas City, MO 64111
$18.00 USD/SF/YR
2,100-3,554 SF
2 Spaces Available Built 1950
3,554 SF Contiguous
Built 1950
2,100-3,554 SF
$18.00 USD/SF/YR
Office, Retail
  • Charlie Lowe
  • Sam Hagan
4050 Pennsylvania Ave
Kansas City, MO 64111
$28.00 USD/SF/YR
2,198-5,100 SF
1 Space Available Built 1987
5,100 SF Contiguous
Built 1987
2,198-5,100 SF
$28.00 USD/SF/YR
406 E 18th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
2,600 SF
1 Space Available Built 1890
2,600 SF Contiguous
Built 1890
2,600 SF
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
  • Brendan Loellke
  • Lynette Russ
  • Brian Votava
  • Nevin Rosner
Blume NKC- North Oak Trafficway & 32nd Ave
North Kansas City, MO 64116
$31.10 - $38.98 USD/SF/YR
431-6,620 SF
22 Spaces Available Built 2025
6,620 SF Contiguous
Built 2025
431-6,620 SF
$31.10 - $38.98 USD/SF/YR
Office/Retail, Retail
  • Sheryl Vickers
114 W Linwood Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64111
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
2,500 SF
2 Spaces Available Built 1920
2,500 SF Contiguous
Built 1920
2,500 SF
$25.00 USD/SF/YR
  • Alfredo Garcia
  • Jake Guso
7540 Leavenworth Rd
Kansas City, KS 66109
$12.00 USD/SF/YR
526-1,290 SF
5 Spaces Available Built 1973
1,290 SF Contiguous
Built 1973
526-1,290 SF
$12.00 USD/SF/YR
Office, Office/Retail
Brewers alley in the Crossroads
Kansas City, MO 64108
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
3,950 SF
1 Space Available Built 1890
3,950 SF Contiguous
Built 1890
3,950 SF
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
  • Jay Hawkins
939 W 8th St
Kansas City, MO 64101
$14.50 USD/SF/YR
5,729 SF
1 Space Available Built 1905
5,729 SF Contiguous
Built 1905
5,729 SF
$14.50 USD/SF/YR
brewers alley in the crossroads.
Kansas City, MO 64108
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
3,000 SF
1 Space Available Built 1972
3,000 SF Contiguous
Built 1972
3,000 SF
$19.95 USD/SF/YR
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