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108 E Brown St
Ennis, TX 75119

$1,200 USD/MO

Auto Repair For Lease  •  700 SF

Property Details

  • Property Type Auto Repair
  • Year Built 1930
  • Total Building Size 2,446 SF
  • Tenancy Multiple
  • Building Class C
0 Transit Score
85 Walk Score

1 Space Available

Name Space Use Size Rent Details
1st Floor Ste Office 700 SF $20.57 USD/SF/YR
Great location in the heart of Ennis.  No one will miss this property as the silos are located on this lot.  The zoning is Downtown Transitions, and it has various uses.  Office, retail, and barber shop, along with pub and restaurant.  Ennis is located on I-45, and a quick trip to Dallas.  Great development, many businesses moving to the area, as well as residential housing boom going on.  Great place to start a business or bring an existing business.  Tenant pays all utilities, electricity, pest control, sewer, trash, and water.  Very affordable lease is $1200., per month.

  • Date available: Now
  • Lease term: Negotiable
  • Service type: Plus All Utilities
  • Space Type: Relet


This building has been divided, with the front portion that faces Ennis Avenue, now being leased.  The rear part of the building will not be leased.  There are 700 SF for lease, with three rooms for offices or storage, a small kitchen area with a sink and microwave.  A wheelchair can fit underneath the sink.  The bathroom is also wheelchair accessible.  Plenty of parking on the lot.  The silos are situated on the same lot and give marker for customers to find your building.  Empty lot in front of this building is located on Ennis Ave., and can be seen from this heavily travelled street.  East of downtown, just a few blocks.


Heavy traffic, visible from Ennis Avenue
West of I-45, just a few blocks.
Close to restaurants, retail, and offices

Parking Details

Parking Available: Yes
Reserved: No
Spaces Provided: 5
Type: Surface
Included in Rent: Yes
Kim Jansonius 972-935-0095 Re/Max Arbors
Kim Jansonius 972-935-0095 Re/Max Arbors