6.4 Acres of Shovel Ready Land in Washington Twp on Lyons Road, Agent Owned, formerly Governour's Square Office Park. South Dayton sub market, Centerville Schools. Zoned B-2, in the epicenter of Washington Twp, with no earned income taxes. https://governourssquareonlyons.com/ From Washington Twp's ZONING Article 10 Principal Permitted Uses A. Retail. Uses primarily engaged in selling or rendering merchandise for personal or household consumption or that renders services incidental to the sale of the goods (including processing for resale or repair).B. Eating and Drinking Establishments. (see Note #1)C. Personal Services. The provision of services generally involving the care of the person or personal effects. D. Administrative, Business and Professional Offices. Offices providing tangible and intangible services for people and businesses, carrying on no retail trade with the general public and having no stock of goods for retail sale.E. Veterinary Offices. Offices or day cares providing for the care of animals (no boarding permitted), including medical services.F. Day Care Centers.Washington Township, Montgomery County, Ohio – Zoning Resolution Revised December 18, 2017 10-6 Article 10 – Business District Standards G. Institutional. Uses providing social, cultural and educational services.H. Entertainment. Uses providing special services and activities to the community for entertainment purposes. (see Note #1)I. Organizations and Associations. Groups and facilities, including lodges, clubs, halls, banquet facilities, civic and other social groups organized on a profit or non-profit basis for the promotion of membership interests.J. Government facilities. Uses owned or operated by federal, state or local government.K. Telecommunications Tower. https://cdnsm5-hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_12463606/File/Services/Zoning%20and%20Development/Zoning%20Resolution/Article%2010%20-%20Business%20Districts.pdf