Medical For Sale • 4,205 SF
Passive Income - Secure long-term predictable income with this NN lease. Ideal for out of state investors or those seeking more passive income. |
Hospital Adjacent - Northest Florida Community Hospital is a 59-bed hospital just 1/4 mile from this property. |
Regional PE-backed Operator - EyeSouth Partners is backed by Oplympus Partners which has over $8.5B assets under management. |
Largest Ophthalmology Group - EyeSouth Partners has a unique demand being the largest ophthalmology group in the county. |
Growing Income - Maintain continued growth of your investment dollars with annual 2% increases, hedging against inflation. |
Easily Accessible - This site is outparceled to a strip center, seated on the main road connecting downtown Chipley with Hwy 10. |