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23 Highway 323
Ekalaka, MT 59324

$1,482,000 USD

Auto Repair For Sale  •  10,592 SF

Property Details

  • Property Type Auto Repair
  • Total Building Size 10,592 SF
  • Lot Size 3.77 AC
  • Building Class C
  • Year Built 1978
  • Tenancy Single
  • Zoning Commercial
0 Transit Score
21 Walk Score


Property Information:
Lot Information: 	
	Lot Size:		         2.46 +/- Acres, or 107,150 Sq. Ft.
	Lot Address:		23 E Hwy 323, Ekalaka, MT
	Legal Description:	COS #123, NE ¼ NE ¼ South of Hwy in Sec. 32-2-58
	Lot Surface:		Concrete Apron and Fuel Facility, Gravel Surfaced Parking Lot
	Lot Location:		Highway 323 frontage with excellent visibility
	MT Geo Code:	        42-1168-32-1-05-11-T431
	2023 Taxes:		$3,674.50

Building Information:
Fruit Service & Repair Center:	
	Total Building Size:		12,990 Square Feet
	Retail Store:			3,200 Square Feet
					        40’ x 80’ 
		Year Built:		1979
		Heating/Air:		Forced Air - Propane
		Foundation:		Cement Slab
		Construction:	        Steel Frame and New Steel Exterior (2019)
		Roof:			Steel Roof
		Bathrooms:		2
                Extra:		        12’ x 20’ Lean-To Cold Storage, Cement Slab, Wood Frame

	Shop Area:			1,840 Square Feet
					        40’ x 46’ 
		Year Built:		1985
		Heating/Air:		Forced Air – Propane with Supplementary Oil Heater
		Foundation:		Cement Slab
		Construction:	        Wood Frame and New Steel Exterior (2019)
		Roof:			Steel Roof
		Interior:		        New interior facelift in 2008
		Extra:			16’ x 40’ Lean-To Tire Storage and Shop (2008)

                 Warehouse:		3,200 Square Feet
					        40’ x 80’ x 14’
		Year Built:		2006
		Heating/Air:		Forced Air - Propane
		Foundation:		Cement Slab
		Construction:	        Wood Frame and New Steel Exterior 
		Roof:			Steel Roof
		Interior:		        Insulated, O/H Door

	Additional Features:		60k Truck Scale, O/H Feed Storage Bin..

Downtown Location:
Lot Information: 	
	Lot Size:		        .17 +/- Acres
                                        7,500 Sq. Ft. or 50’ x 150’
	Lot Address:		225 Main Street, Ekalaka, MT
	Legal Description:	Citizen Addition, Block 4, Lot 36
	Lot Surface:		Concrete 
	Lot Location:		Main Street and Chicago Ave Intersection
	MT Geo Code:	        42-1168-32-1-28-13-E603
	2023 Taxes:		$560.00

Building Information:
T&M Standard:	
	Total Building Size:		
	Retail Store:			3,200 Square Feet
					        38’ x 25’ 
		Year Built:		1955
		Heating/Air:		Forced Air - Propane
		Foundation:		Cement Slab
		Construction:	        Block
		Roof:			Steel Roof
		Bathrooms:		2


Incredible visibility along two major corridors
This is the only agricultural supply business in a large area
Multiple businesses operated from this facility with tremendous profitability and loads of growth potential
Andy Mrnak 701-206-1095 Pifer's Auction and Realty
Andy Mrnak 701-206-1095 Pifer's Auction and Realty