Nestled in the heart of Kailua town, this two-story walkup property on Kuulei Road presents an exceptional leasing opportunity for businesses aiming to establish or expand their presence. Kuulei Road, a primary artery through Kailua’s bustling commercial hub, is located on the windward side of Oahu, an area renowned for its stunning beaches, eclectic shopping experiences, and diverse dining options. Kailua’s laid-back atmosphere and vibrant community spirit create an inviting environment for both locals and tourists, making it an ideal location for businesses to flourish.
This property, with its B-2 zoning, is situated on a 10,062 SF lot and was built in 1953, exuding a charm that blends seamlessly with Kailua’s beach town vibe. It offers three distinct spaces for lease: Units 101-102 with 1360 SF, Unit 103 with 680 SF, and Unit 205 also with 680 SF. The base rent is negotiable, providing flexibility for potential tenants.
Moreover, the property boasts a prime location in Kailua’s business district, within driving distance of popular shops such as Target, Whole Foods Market, Safeway, and the Kailua Town Center. This proximity to major retailers offers businesses a chance to tap into a market characterized by strong resident demographics, above-average household and discretionary income. Whether you’re a local business or a national brand, this property presents a unique opportunity to be part of a small beach town that’s a favorite destination for visitors from around the globe.