Land For Sale • 1.95 AC
Property conveniently located to I-20 Business, I-20, FM 1788 and HWY 191. One of the closest available properties to the Midland International Air & Space Port terminal building, not owned by the City of Midland. Located just north of the former KMID TV station building, and adjoins the Midland-Odessa Symphony Building property on the east side. Curbed frontage on Wright Drive(4 lane). Lot is approximately 305 feet deep. Total property acreage approximately 2.023 (per Midland Central Appraisal District). Large existing concrete foundation on part of property, of unknown age or condition. Agent is 50% stockholder in XANA Corporation, which owns the property.
Very close to the Midland International Air & Space Port Terminal Building |
Curbed frontage on 4 lane Wright Drive |
Central location to both Midland and Odessa |
Close access to I-20 Business (HWY 80), I-20, FM 1788 and HWY 191 |
Airport | Drive | Walk | Distance |
Midland International Air And Space Port | 3 min | - | 1.1 mi |