Land For Sale • 9.07 AC
Terrific multi-family development opportunity. This 9.07-acre development site consists of 4 APNs all contiguous(APN 949-190-007 is off-market but available). The Murrieta housing element and new zoning overlay identify these parcels for up to 30 units per acre. Possibility for up to 272 units. Perfect location in the heart of Murrieta, just north of the Triangle. Panoramic views of the valley and surrounding mountains. Close to everything with a country feel. The value is in the land and location. The new housing element has identified these parcels for 30 units per acre.
Multifamily Development Site |
Great Location just off the I-15 Freeway |
Terrific VIews |
Build up to 272 Units |
9.07 Acres |
4 APN's |