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4290 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402

$3,240 - $3,321 USD/MO

Auto Repair For Lease  •  3,600+ SF

Property Details

  • Property Type Auto Repair
  • Year Built 1977
  • Total Building Size 10,200 SF
  • Tenancy Multiple
  • Building Class C
  • Zoning I-2
42 Transit Score
50 Walk Score

2 Spaces Available

Name Space Use Size Rent Details
1st Floor Ste C Retail 3,600 SF $10.80 USD/SF/YR
Located directly behind Industrial Welding Supply Co. Daily traffic count is roughly 17,400. The entire building is surrounded by an 8-foot security fence as well as electric access gate. Each unit is equipped with three-phase electricity. Interior ceiling height is 16 feet. Each unit is equipped with separate entrances as well as 14ft, grade level roll up doors and restroom.

The building is located on one of the major commercial corridors in Eugene, providing convenient access for businesses and customers. W 11th Ave is a bustling thoroughfare that connects various parts of Eugene, making this location easily accessible from both the city center and outlying areas.

The surrounding area features a mix of commercial and light industrial businesses, including automotive services, hardware stores and other supply shops, creating a robust industrial ecosystem. The building is situated near key intersections and is easily reachable from Highway 126, a major route through the city.

  • Date available: Now
  • Lease term: 3 - 5 Years
  • Service type: Triple Net
  • Space Type: Relet
1st Floor Ste D Retail 3,690 SF $10.80 USD/SF/YR
Located directly behind Industrial Welding Supply Co. Daily traffic count is roughly 17,400. The entire building is surrounded by an 8-foot security fence as well as electric access gate. Each unit is equipped with three-phase electricity. Interior ceiling height is 16 feet. Each unit is equipped with separate entrances as well as 14ft, grade level roll up doors and restroom. 

The building is located on one of the major commercial corridors in Eugene, providing convenient access for businesses and customers. W 11th Ave is a bustling thoroughfare that connects various parts of Eugene, making this location easily accessible from both the city center and outlying areas. 

The surrounding area features a mix of commercial and light industrial businesses, including automotive services, hardware stores and other supply shops, creating a robust industrial ecosystem. The building is situated near key intersections and is easily reachable from Highway 126, a major route through the city.

  • Date available: Now
  • Lease term: 3 - 5 Years
  • Service type: Triple Net
  • Space Type: Relet


Located directly behind Industrial Welding Supply Co. Daily traffic count is roughly 17,400. The entire building is surrounded by an 7-foot security fence as well as electric access gate. Each unit is equipped with three-phase electricity. Interior ceiling height is 16 feet. Each unit is equipped with separate entrances as well as 14ft, grade level roll up doors and restroom.

The building is located on one of the major commercial corridors in Eugene, providing convenient access for businesses and customers. W 11th Ave is a bustling thoroughfare that connects various parts of Eugene, making this location easily accessible from both the city center and outlying areas.

The surrounding area features a mix of commercial and light industrial businesses, including automotive services, hardware stores and other supply shops, creating a robust industrial ecosystem. The building is situated near key intersections and is easily reachable from Highway 126, a major route through the city.


Heavy daytime traffic
Easily accessible from Hwy. 126

Property Flyers


  • Bus Line
  • Fenced Lot
  • Pylon Sign
  • Signage
  • Storage Space

Public Transportation

Commuter RailDriveWalkDistance
Eugene (Amtrak Cascades - Amtrak, Coast Starlight - Amtrak) 9 min - 4.4 mi
Mahlon Sweet Field 14 min - 7.5 mi

Parking Details

Parking Available: Yes
Reserved: No
Spaces Provided: 16
Type: Surface
Included in Rent: Yes
Anita Risberg 503-559-8513 Omnivest LLC, Commercial Real Estate
Anita Risberg 503-559-8513 Omnivest LLC, Commercial Real Estate