Land For Sale • 294 AC
Land for sale in Florida's next inland port location! Directly across from Air Glades International Airport the FAA APPROVED Perishables & Cargo Airport. Fronts US 27, the FDOT designated North/South cargo corridor for Florida. Over 20,000 trucks pass this site daily. Within 200 miles of most major Florida market areas. Only 90 miles to Miami International Airport, 102 miles to Port of Miami, 85 miles to Port Everglades, and 82 miles to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport, 355 miles to Georgia State Line.
Directly Across the Street (US 27) from AirGlades International Cargo Airport |
Nearby Rail: South Central Florida Railroad, connects to CSX W of Lake Okeechobee. Connects to FEC, E of Lake Okechobee. |
+/- 1300 linear feet fronting US 27, Florida's designated North/South Cargo Corridor |
Designated Opportunity Zone - MANY INCENTIVES MAY BE AVAILABLE! |
Over 20,000 trucks pass this site daily and within 200 miles of most major Florida market areas. |
Major Gas Line Access available at front of property |