Forward Fate Planned Development overlay for Fate Main Place and the surrounding areas prescribe this area as perfectly suited for Suburban Neighborhood or possibly Supportive Commercial.
Suburban Neighborhood place type provides for low-to-moderate density residential land uses intermixed with areas of commercial development. Predominant land uses include single-family and multi-family development, retail and office uses, and other ancillary institutional and public uses such as schools, parks, and places of worship. Provides for ‘missing middle’ housing such as townhomes and accessory dwelling units.
Land Uses include: SFR, Multifamily, commercial services, places of assembly, community buildings and facilities, schools, parks, recreation facilities, Suburban R-1, R-2, Residential Urban R-3, Neighborhood Commercial.
The Supportive Commercial place type is defined by large retail and professional service uses, often located in multi-tenant shopping centers and office buildings, as well as hotels, restaurants, and other services. Supportive Commercial land uses are of a scale and character to serve as a citywide and regional draw.
Land Uses Include: General Retail. Shopping Centers, Professional Offices, Highway Commercial, Professional Office, Neighborhood Commercial